April Rate Or Hate

30 April 2013
I'd just like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who wished me good luck for my art exam in my last post, you guys gave me confidence and helped me when I was incredibly nervous on Monday morning, so thanks again. Oh and in case you were wondering it went fine!

Even though I've got my drama exam tomorrow and I am becoming quite busy, I knew I had to make time to blog about my April rate and hates.

This months rate or hate -

V05 Mega Hold Gel Spray and Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer

Rate -
I bought the Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer at the beginning of the month but I wish I'd bought it sooner as it is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! It doesn't cost a lot but doesn't feel like a cheap, rubbish product and it is good enough to be sold by high end brands such as Estee Lauder or Mac. 

This is a medium to high coverage concealer and unlike other concealers it isn't cakey but easily blended with a fluffy brush such as the Real Techniques Deluxe Crease Brush.

The only bad points are the packaging, as all the writing rubs off onto your hands which can be quite irritating, the shade range (it only comes in 4 shades) and also I wouldn't recommend this as an under eye concealer because it does crease but considering this concealer is only £4.19 you can't expect it be to a miracle worker!

Hate -  
The V05 mega hold gel spray is one of the most hideous products I have ever put on my head. I don't really know what I was expecting it to be like when I tried it so it somewhat surprised me - but not in a good way. I sprayed it on my hair and ran it through to the ends of my hair as instructed but when it dried on my hair it when hard and crunchy, which is not a good look.

To be fair it did smell really nice but I'm not going to spray a product on my hair if it doesn't hold my hair and makes it crunchy, but it smells nice.

I hope my hairdresser doesn't use any similar products to the V05 gel spray, as on Thursday I'm having a trial run for my Prom hair, I'm so excited! 

Eleanor xx