Empties #1

24 July 2013
Whenever I see beauty bloggers doing empties posts I always wonder how they can use up so many products as it can take me from a couple of months to over a year to use up one product, but I've known that I wanted to do this post for a while now so I made a special effort to save up all of my empties.

Simple Kind To Skin Facial Wipes, Bare Minerals Original Foundation, Simple Kind To Eyes Makeup Remover,Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer, Barry M Clear Base and Topcoat and Batiste Dry Shampoo

Simple Kind To Skin Facial Wipes - £3.25
I've been using these makeup wipes for a good few years now and I have never found any other makeup wipes that work as well as these. I love simple as a brand and use quite a few of their products as I find that they don't irritate my skin but still do the job, and that is the same for these makeup wipes. They take off my makeup with ease, including waterproof mascara which can often be a pain to get off, and they are great for traveling. My only problem is that they are a bit expensive for makeup wipes but they are always on either buy 1 get 1 free or 3 for 2 so price isn't that much of an issue.

Rating - 9.5/10
Would I repurchase? - Yes

Bare Minerals Original SPF 15 Foundation -£25 
I asked for this foundation for Christmas a couple of years ago because I was fed up of spotty, red, pimply skin and I'd heard that people had received great results in the improvement of their skin by using it. So I got it and initially hated the light coverage because you could see so many of my skin imperfections but I persevered with it and my skin actually started to improve. A year and a half down the line I can say that my skin is significantly better with the help of this foundation and medication from my doctor, it's still not perfect but I no longer feel I need such a heavy coverage. It's expensive but lasts me over a year and also contains SPF 15 making it a worthy investment in my eyes.

Rating - 9/10
Would I repurchase? - Yes

Simple Kind To Eyes Eye Makeup Remover - £3.39
There isn't really much to say about this product apart from saying that it does what it says; the Simple Kind To Eyes Makeup Remover removes eye makeup with ease, including waterproof makeup, and doesn't sting or irritate my eyes at all. But then again I do feel that I have no need for this because I find that the makeup wipes do the same job and you can use them all over your face, unlike this, and you don't need to buy cotton pads to use the makeup wipes.

Rating - 7/10
Would I repurchase? - It's good but I don't really need it so probably not

Collection Lasting Perfection Concealer - £4.19
You are probably fed up about hearing about this concealer by now and all I can do is confirm what many other beauty bloggers have already said in saying that this concealer is amazing. Cheap but better than a lot of expensive concealers I've used, it's very high coverage and dries to a very matte finish. I wouldn't recommend this to people with dry skin purely because of the matte finish but if you are looking for a concealer that will guaranteed cover all your imperfections this is for you. But beware the shade range is awful, there are only four shades and shade 2 comes up very orangey so it may have to be used under foundations. 

Rating - 7/10
Would I repurchase? - Yes

Barry M Base and Top Coat - £2.99
This is my favourite base and top coat by far and I must have repurchased it at least 3 or 4 times. It's cheap but prevents my nails from staining as a base coat and looks glossy as a top coat as well as prolonging the wear of any nail polish which is always great because no one likes it when your nails chipping an hour after spending a good few hours painting them! But because I use it for a base and top coat it seems like I am forever repurchasing it because it runs out so quickly.

Rating - 8/10 
Would I repurchase? - I always do

Batiste Dry Shampoo Clean and Classic - £2.99
In my opinion Batiste is one of the best brands out there for dry shampoo, they have a huge line of dry shampoos in every scent and colour and they banish oily roots in seconds but don't leave your hair looking grey or flaky (no one wants to look like a pensioner with dandruff). I like to use dry shampoo in between washes as my roots tend to get very greasy, it also gives my hair a tiny bit of extra volume. I've also tried the tropical version which smells amazing!

Rating - 10/10
Would I repurchase? - Yes

I hope you enjoyed this post and that my dead grass hasn't been annoying you too much but it shows how hot it is in the UK at the moment! Also congratulations if you have reached this point because this has become a very lengthy post, I am sending you a virtual hug as a prize for your perseverance! Let me know in the comments if you have reached the end I'd like to know if anyone actually did haha! 

Eleanor xx
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