Outfit Post - Prom!

11 July 2013
I'm so sorry I've been a bit M.I.A during the past week but on Friday I went away with my friends to Cornwall and I only came back yesterday. That means I've missed quite a few opportunities to do some important posts including Sunday Nails but I promise I'll make it up to you guys! Anyway now that I'm back I can finally show you what I wore to my prom which was nearly two weeks ago now.

Me and My Sister
Everyone's prom is different and I know that lots of people's are not as formal as mine was but in my school we have a prom at the end of Year 11 at the school, where lots of people wear long dresses and then at the end of sixth form there is a leavers diner at a hotel where the girls still wear nice dresses, they are just not as formal.

Me and My Friend Maddie
The whole community turns up at the school to watch, to see the dresses and unusual transport such as old cars, tractors, space hoppers and even daleks, so there is a fair bit of pressure but me and my friends decided to go in a Chrysler limo.

Originally I had wanted a long sleeved china blue dress with a low back and lots of beading and detailing, but as you can see the dress I ended up getting was completely different! The truth is I realized I wasn't going to find my perfect dress so I settled for one that I thought I looked nice in and I then decided to go with black and gold accessories. 

As you know I did my own makeup, a lot of people had their makeup done professionally but I knew that if I'd got it done by someone else I'd probably end up taking it off when I get home and redoing it anyway. I also know what products and colours suit me so it made sense to do it myself anyway.

On the other hand I got my hair done at the hairdressers because I am rubbish at doing my hair. I did fear that my hairdresser would give me a Amy Winehouse style beehive or a hairdo that resembled a poodle, but luckily it looked how I wanted, even if my fringe did uncurl by the end of the night.

(From Left to Right) Izzy from Her Wardrobe Wanderings, Harriet from Kosmetic Kaleidoscope and Me 
Overall it was a great night that finished with a beautiful firework display and a great after party that went on into the early hours of the morning. I'd love to know what your prom was like or if you had your's recently and have done a post on it I'd love to see!

Eleanor xx