It feels like it's been ages since I last wrote a favourites post but that's probably because it has been a few months. I'm sorry for slacking but I don't try that many new products each month so sometimes it's hard to find things that I've been loving and hating. But luckily this month I had no trouble deciding my favourites.
This months rate or hate...
Kardashian Kroma Honey Stick Lipgloss and Hask Argan Oil |
I spotted this small bottle of Hask Argan Oil when I was wandering around the Primark beauty section a couple of months ago. I'd never tried a hair oil before and decided to pick this up on a whim because it was so cheap and I'm really glad I did. I've heard lots of people complain that hair oils can make your hair greasy and way it down but I didn't find this at all with the Hask Argan Oil. It nourishes my spilt ends and leaves my hair feeling soft whether I use it on wet or dry hair, and I feel that it's definitely improved the condition of hair since I started using it. I bought it for £1.50 so it's a bargain compared to other hair oils on the market like Moroccan Oil and you only need a coin sized amount so it will last a very long time.
Hate -
I really dislike using the word 'Hate' to describe the product that I've haven't been loving but it rhymes so I will continue to use it despite the fact that I don't hate my Kardashian Kroma Lipgloss. The reason I don't love the Kardashian Kroma Honey Stick Lipgloss is purely because it smells so strongly of honey (hence the name Honey Stick Lipgloss) that it gives me a headache. The scent is so strong that my friends have told me that they can smell it when I'm wearing it, which I find a bit weird. Despite the smell it's a very nice lip gloss in a beautiful baby pink colour which would suit almost every skin tone, so if you can stand the smell then I'd really recommend it.
I don't know whether any of you have noticed but I'm 5 followers away from 400 on bloglovin but I've decided that once I reach 400 on bloglovin I am going to do a giveaway to thank you for your support. I was thinking an ASOS voucher because they sell beauty and fashion and this is a beauty and fashion blog, what do you think?
Eleanor xx