Outfit Post - Try'na Dress Up When I'm Missin You

19 March 2014
So I'm one of those girls who spends a long time deciding what to wear everyday and even longer if I'm going out for a special occasion. I can't imagine just picking out some random clothes off my floor-drobe and being ready in 5 minutes, it's like not dancing to Single Ladies: impossible. So when I was invited out for a meal to celebrate my friend's birthday, you can imagine my panic as I try on every piece of clothing I own trying to find something occasion appropriate to wear.

Mac Rebel Lipstick, New Look Hat, T K Maxx Bag, Warehouse Coat, Primark Crop Top, Topshop Skirt and Dune Boots

The dress code was nicer than casual but not fancy so in the end I decided to wear my black Topshop crossover skirt that I featured in my last outfit post. I paired it with a simple Primark polo neck crop top and my beloved New Look hat. Though however much I love this hat I still feel like a detective or someone from The Crucible when I wear it!

Sorry the photos aren't the best but we took them in a bit of a hurry. It was also way too cold for me to take off my jacket especially as I was wearing a crop top and a mini skirt underneath, so maybe I should planned my outfit a bit more wisely!

How long do you spend planning your outfits?

Eleanor xx