Sunday Nails - New Galaxy

7 April 2013
I've always loved galaxy nails. They are so simple yet have so many different dimensions. But today I wanted to do something a bit different using my new found love of sellotape and like Ben and Jerry I think that galaxy print and triangles go together like a match made in heaven.

On another note I went shopping in Southampton yesterday, the sun was shinning, I had a lovely day and bought a few things. I bought my prom shoes and some beautiful patterned trousers. 

The shoes aren't typically 'prom-ish' as they are black and from Zara but you'll have to wait till June to see what I will be wearing them with to my Prom. But the patterned trousers are from River Island and I'm sure you'll be seeing them in an outfit post very soon.

Just wondering and being a bit nosy but what did you wear to your prom (for a bit of inspiration)? But if you didn't have a prom I'd love to know what you think of my nails.

Eleanor xx