April Wishlist

10 April 2013
Warning if you like do not like the monochrome trend and are very colorful, this may not be your favourite post as it is very black and white! 

I don't really know how this happened. I think it might be because I am trying to build a more versatile wardrobe, that I can create lots of outfits from and the easiest way for me to do that is to stick to the same range of colours: black and white. 

Ebay Round Retro Sunglasses - £3.99 (Including Postage)
These sunglasses have been featured on so many blogs and seen on lots celebrities, I just have to have them! I'm not sure who the original designer is but there are hundreds of sellers on ebay selling them. I love the curved arm as it makes them so elegant and different to any other over sized sunglasses I've seen. I doubt they'll suit me but they are perfect for those summer days when you are acting all lady-like sipping afternoon tea in the garden of a country house because that happens all the time...

Topshop Number 86 Tee - £20
Recently I've really been loving the sport luxe trend as it means that I can look casual and effortless while still being fashionable, and this american football t-shirt is the epitome of this spring/summer trend. Luckily Topshop have done this t-shirt in not only the normal range but also the tall and petite sections, so everyone can buy this beautiful t-shirt. Note - I have put the link for the petite t-shirt as there is a wider range of sizes and personally I wouldn't wear it as over sized as you could risk it looking like a weird dress!

River Island Cut Out Bikini Top and Bottoms - £25 (£10 and £15 Individually)
I actually tried this bikini on the other day when I was out shopping and didn't buy it as I wasn't sure but now I really wish I had bought it! I normally stick to cute floral swimwear but I love how classic this bikini is and the cutouts do not reveal to much unlike other bikinis and swimming costumes. £25 is a lot to spend on a bikini but I think that this one will last me because it is such a classic design, so next time I am out I will be buying this.

Urban Decay De-Slick Setting Spray - £19.50
SKINDINAVIA setting sprays are favourite's of makeup artists and beauty obsessives alike because of the amazing lasting power their sprays give your makeup. This is because of their patented technology that forms a lightweight breathable web on top of your makeup that slowly releases over 16 hours allowing your makeup and skin to retain moisture longer while drawing away heat from the skin preventing oiliness. The Urban Decay setting sprays are made by SKINDINAVIA so they also hold this amazing technology, and will hopefully control my oily skin as I hate wearing lots of powder. But I think I'll wait till Debenhams are doing 10% off beauty and fragrance.

Pandora Black Leather Bracelet - £40
I've never really wanted a Pandora bracelet before as I already have a simple charm bracelet but when my sister got the pink version of this bracelet for her birthday I fell in love. I love the leather as its not as fancy as the silver bracelets and can be stacked up with other bracelets, it's also black which will go with everything I own. I think they also look nice with or without charms which is a bonus, the only thing I can't decide on is whether to get the double wrap or the single wrap.

Should I pay £5 more to get the double wrap or stick with the single? Please help me decide!

Eleanor xx