April Rate Or Hate

30 April 2014
This is the first time in a while when I've actually been dreading the next month, but it's hard not to when you've got 7 exams coming up that don't end until mid June. For those of you in the same position as me, trust me when I say I feel your pain but hopefully this post will provide a bit of a welcome break from your revision instead of a means of procrastination.

This months rate or hate - 

Bare Minerals Ready Foundation and Mac Viva Glam Gaga 2
Rate -
Bare Minerals Original Foundation is my go to everyday foundation and has been for a couple of years now, but when I ran out a couple of months now and Debenhams didn't my colour I had a decision to make; do I buy the foundation in the wrong colour and try make it work or buy the pressed version. As you can see I bought the pressed version of my normal foundation (in the right colour) and I have been pleasantly surprised. There isn't a lot of difference between the original and the ready foundation apart from the ready foundation is a lot less messy and gives a slightly fuller coverage, which are only positives in my opinion!

Hate -
I bought this lipstick a couple of years ago now and at the time I really liked it but I haven't worn it in months because I have just gone off it. I don't think that Viva Glam Gaga 2 is a very flattering shade as it creates the appearance of foundation lips and makes me look ill. It isn't as bad if I wear a lipgloss over the top and it may suit a different skin tone but I do regret buying it. I guess on the plus side the money I paid for it goes to charity so it wasn't a total waste.

What have you been rating and hating this month?

Also don't forget to enter my £15 ASOS Gift Card giveaway here!

Nominate me for Best Teen Style Blogger in the Company Style Blogger Awards here!

Eleanor xx