My Mac Lipstick Collection... So Far

4 March 2015
I love lipstick. Part of the reason for the name of my blog (The Lipstick, The Girl and Her Wardrobe for the less observant of you) is down to the fact that I am rarely seen without lipstick on, and my favourite brand to buy lipsticks from is Mac. I know that it is a stereotype for beauty bloggers to own practically every product Mac that has ever released, but my Mac collection is surprisingly small and mainly consists of these 6 lipsticks - 

From L to R - Rebel, Mac Red, Morange, Vegas Volt, Please Me and Viva Glam Gaga 2

Rebel Satin -
Rebel is a beautiful deep purple with a strong pink undertone running through it. While it looks a lot darker in the bullet it is not as scary on the lips as it is sheerer and moisturizing, though if I want to make it darker and more vampy I will line all over my lips with either a black or brown eyeliner before applying the lipstick on top.

Mac Red Satin -
Mac Red is my favourite red lipstick that Mac does but I don't often hear it being mentioned a lot. Unlike lots of the other red's that Mac does, Mac Red is a Satin not Matte finish and hence very moisturizing, it is also a pinky red with a blue undertone and will therefore makes your teeth look very white. To check out the full review I've done of this lipstick click here.

Morange Amplified -
Morange is my all time favourite lipstick and so unlike any lipstick from any other brand. It is the brightest orange you can imagine and welcome change to your typical red or pink lipstick. While Morange will suit almost anyone it looks especially great on those with blue eyes, as blue and orange are opposite on the colour wheel.

Vegas Volt Amplified -
Vegas Volt is probably my least worn Mac lipstick but is still an absolutely beautiful colour. It is the perfect coral colour in my favourite finish: amplified, so it is incredibly pigmented but still moisturizing without appearing glossy.

Please Me Matte -
Please Me is the perfect powder pink that can either be sheered out by patting it on with your finger or built up for an opaque finish. Combine with a brown lip liner like Spice and you've got that perfect Kylie Jenner Matte lip.

Viva Glam Gaga 2 Amplified -
Viva Glam Gaga 2 was one of the first Mac lipsticks I ever bought and was part of Lady Gaga's Viva Glam collaboration with Mac in which the proceeds from the collection go towards helping those affected by HIV and AIDS. While on its own it can give the appearance of foundation lips, combined with either a pink lipgloss or Please Me it creates to perfect nude lip.

While it may seem like I have a small collection in comparison to other bloggers, I wear all of these lipsticks religiously and they cover the whole colour spectrum, so I don't often find myself needing anymore.

Do you own any Mac lipsticks? What are your favourites?

Eleanor xx