It's been nearly a whole month since I last blogged and I've missed it like crazy. When you live a hectic and busy life it's hard to find the time for blogging without compromising quality for quantity, but I didn't want to put anything out there that I wasn't proud of as that would be taking like one step forward and three steps back. I decided to wait until the time was right and that time is now, but let me catch you up on the last month before we move on.
As you may be able to see from the above picture I have not only had my hair cut but also the rim of my ear pierced. I did actually get my ear pierced when I went into Bristol with my friend Steph over a month a go (blog post on it here) but I forget to mention it, Steph was getting her nose pierced so I joined in on the fun, it was very spontaneous but also something I'd wanted to do for a long time.
While I have been very busy I've of course managed to squeeze in a little bit of shopping here and there and I can't wait to show you guys the things I've purchased recently in either a haul, outfit posts or reviews.
One thing I've done quite a lot of this month is go to the theatre. As a drama student it is part of my course to watch various performances (let's not mention the awful performance of King Lear I saw in Bath earlier this month) but I also enjoy going to the theatre in my spare time and it has just turned out this month that I have seen a lot of musicals. At the end of February I saw my friend in a performance of Hairspray at the Theatre Royal in Bath then I went with my family to see Wicked at the Bristol Hippodrome before taking my sister to see Les Miserables on the West End as part of her birthday present just yesterday. While all were brilliant I'd have to say that Les Miserables was my favourite.
But one of my favourite things I did this month was go watch Ben Howard in concert. Ben Howard's main UK tour had sold out months ago and sadly I hadn't got tickets but when I saw on twitter last week that he was releasing tickets to some intimate pre-tour gigs I knew I had to get tickets. Luckily I got tickets and went to see him last Sunday, and he was amazing.Apart from these things I've just been working lots (in Office Shoes, where I started working before Christmas) and revising lots for my exams. I'm hoping to get back into the swing of blogging though it may not be as regular as I'm still under lots of pressure from Sixth Form. I'd love to hear what you guys have been up to recently so let me know what you've been doing in the comments below!Eleanor xx
As you may be able to see from the above picture I have not only had my hair cut but also the rim of my ear pierced. I did actually get my ear pierced when I went into Bristol with my friend Steph over a month a go (blog post on it here) but I forget to mention it, Steph was getting her nose pierced so I joined in on the fun, it was very spontaneous but also something I'd wanted to do for a long time.
As for my hair, this was definitely not planned as when I went to the hairdressers I simply asked for a trim, what did I get? A bob. Despite my initial despair I'm loving my hair and the Kim K/Kylie Jenner vibes that come with it, plus it's very low maintenance which is always a bonus.
Another thing that I've not mentioned in previous posts is that earlier this year I started a course of Isotretinoin (better known as Roaccutane) to treat my acne, so far treatment is going well but let me know if you'd be interested in me writing a more detailed post about it.