Outfit Post - Blue Jeans, White Shirt

23 April 2014
When I bought this hat I never anticipated how often I would wear it, since I bought this hat it has practically not come off my head (literally because when I take it off I have serious hat hair). And it seems that I'm not the only person who loves this hat as every time I wear it I get a lot of compliments on it (as well as a few 'Are you Amish/Indiana Jones/a witch?' comments)!

New Look Hat, Ben Sherman Shirt, Pull and Bear Jeans, T K Maxx Bag, Dune Boots and Primark Sunglasses
I wore this outfit the other day when I was shopping in town and it's the sort of thing I've been wearing a lot recently. The ripped jeans and leather jacket help to dress down a crisp white shirt and my staple black studded boots, and when paired with a good pair of sunnies this makes the perfect spring/summer shopping outfit.

Despite my love for hats, they can be quite annoying. For example:
  • Wearing hats results in a lack of spacial awareness as you don't realise that your circumference has increased, this has resulted in me walking into quite a few walls.
  • Every time the wind blows you have to hold onto your hat for your dear life.
  • And of course the dreaded hat hair.
Please tell me I am not the only person who experiences hat problems?

Also don't forget to enter my £15 ASOS Gift Card giveaway here!

Nominate me for Best Teen Style Blogger in the Company Style Blogger Awards here!

Eleanor xx