Like, Realizing Stuff

9 September 2017
Ah, that famous Kylie Jenner quote that reinforced her status as a millennial icon. While we may use it ironically, perhaps Kylie Jenner was onto something when she talked about the year of 'like, realizing stuff'. Yes I may be a year and a half too late, but starting my placement year has marked a change in my life that has resulted in me realising a lot about what I want to do with my life.

missy empire, slogan, t-shirt, blazer, check, high street, cheap, fashion, asos, kylie, jenner, uk, blogger, ootd,

high top, converse, black, white, check, blazer, mom, jeans, t-shirt, tee, slogan, cheap, fashion, uk, blogger

Leicester, fashion, blogger, east, midlands, ootd, style, highstreet, new look, missy empire, asos, converse

What I'm Wearing | ASOS Jeans, Missy Empire T-Shirt, New Look Blazer, Converse, ASOS Bag (Similar)

Starting a full time office job has forced me to grow up a bit. I now work 9-5 Monday-Friday, drive a car and pay bills. Gone are the days when I'd roll out of bed, attend a couple lectures, then go home and watching crappy day time television in between revision. It is this change in routine that has made me realise what I really want in life. Yeah I still want to have fun, but I also want to get a mortgage and own my own home. I'm excited at the prospect of one day shopping for tiles or furniture (this probably isn't helped by working for a large homewares retailer)! 

I'm also finding that as my ambitions change so has my personal style. While I still love an ironic slogan t-shirt, I'd have never worn a blazer in the past for the fear of seeming too formal. Instead of always buying fast fashion pieces, I find myself buying more and more classic or investment pieces (which I've written about here).

Maybe this is what growing up feels like.

Eleanor xx