The London Girl

13 August 2017
As part of my new job we often find ourselves taking business trips to London, and it was on one of these trips that I learnt about the London girl. Now not to stereotype or generalise anyone but one thing that I noticed about the women I encountered was that they were unlike anyone I had ever met before. 

London girls are a different breed, they're gorgeous and effortless yet insanely driven and confident. They know what they want and they know how to get it. Their passion is infectious and inspiring, and those that hate only do so out of jealousy. While she may have been born in a small country village, the cut throat city life has made her a force to be reckoned with and the ultimate millennial women. 

Living on her diet of black coffee and vegan salads, she is healthy but her penchant cocktails means she's never boring. Of course her life isn't always as perfect as it seems but she never lets it show in her daily Instagram picture that she sends out to her adoring followers. And while it may be wrong to idolise something that isn't real and she may have had a bit of luck along the way, you cannot deny how impressive her hard work and passion is. Despite the long nights and countless rejections, her eyes still light up when she talks about what she does.

Whether she be wearing Manolo Blahniks or Gucci loafers her style never falters as she travels round the city from photo shoot to coffee shop to meeting to the office while the rest of us try to balance comfort and style, being careful not to wear anything too nice in case it is ruined in the rush hour tube crush. But it is not just her style to be admired but her spirit.

While geographically I am miles away from being a London girl, I hope that one day I will possess the confidence and power that makes these women so successful, for now though I will keep on being influenced by their versatile, smart/casual style.

What I'm Wearing |M&S Coat, New Look Jumper, Topshop Dungarees, Office Boots and Coach Bag

Eleanor xx