Spring Fashion Haul

16 April 2014
Ah a new season, a whole new wardrobe! Well not a whole new wardrobe, just a few new basics to update my closet. I haven't quite decided what style or trend that I'll be going for this spring/summer so everything that I've bought so far have been basic and versatile so that I can style it in multiple ways and its not a disaster if I change my mind. That being said I hope this haul isn't too boring for you!

I've really wanted some black high top style trainers for quite a long time now but I've never found the right pair for the right price. This was until recently when I suddenly started seeing pictures of Nike Air Force 1's popping up all over instagram and tumblr and fell in love, the problem was that I only ever saw them in white. After a quick Google search I found that Nike did in fact make them in black but practically no where sold them. But luckily for me, while I was browsing the concessions in Topshop on Oxford street I saw them, bought them in my size and took them home like a proud parent to a newborn baby.

Black Nike Air Force 1 - £51.99
For a few years now Primark has been my go to place for sunglasses. They've always got hundreds of styles that are always less than a fiver, and this year wasn't a disappointment. I picked up these gorgeous round sunglasses with gold detailing on the bridge on the nose and on the arms, they're sort of a cross between John Lennon and the Olsen Twins if you get my drift.

Primark Sunglasses - £3
Some simple gold rings are another thing that I've been lusting after for quite a while but I could never justify to myself spending £12 or something ridiculous for a pack from Topshop, I then saw this pack of rings in Primark for £2.50 and all the waiting was made worthwhile. In the pack there are three different types of rings, skinny, medium and large with a cutout, making them perfect for stacking without the cost of buying lots of rings separately. 

Primark Rings - £2.50
I have finally found my perfect pair of ripped jeans! They're the perfect mid wash denim that I was after, the perfect fit: not boyfriend jeans but not skinny jeans either and not so many rips that they may as well be shorts! Another bonus is that they won't break the bank as they were only £19.99 a bargain compared to the Topshop ripped jeans.

Pull and Bear Jeans - £19.99
H and M Basic T-Shirt - £6.99
Everyone needs basic t-shirts in their wardrobe, including me which is why it was strange when I realised that I didn't actually own any basic t-shirts. So while I was in town I picked up these two grey v-neck t-shirts, they're flattering, cheap and good quality, what is not to love?

H and M Basic T-Shirt - £6.99
Since the weather has picked up recently my sister and I have recently started to go running. I used to be quite good at running and I've done the Race for Life in the past, but with Sixth Form taking up a lot of my time, running got pushed to the back. So in my quest for a bikini body I've started running again but I had nothing to wear, so when I was in Primark I picked up this cheap black hoodie.

Primark Hoodie - £8

Sorry I haven't been buying any extravagant items like pink feather boas or Jimmy Choos (?) but you've got to have the staples before you buy any investment pieces. I'd love to know what you've been buying recently so make sure to link your blogs below! 

Also don't forget to enter my £15 ASOS Gift Card giveaway here!

Nominate me for Best Teen Style Blogger in the Company Style Blogger Awards here!

Eleanor xx