People Pleaser

20 January 2018
It's always a little bit nerve wracking when I order clothes online and wear them for the first time in front of my boyfriend. Karl doesn't really get fashion so anytime I wear something even slightly different he's not really keen, so it's safe to say that there are a few items in my wardrobe that repel him. I mean of course there are items in his wardrobe that I wish he wouldn't wear but our opinions of each others clothing never stop us from wearing what we want. But what I'm trying to say is that it's always interesting to see what he thinks of my purchases as Karl has some pretty interesting ways of describing what I'm wearing. Take for example my 'Anne Boleyn/Victorian' blouse

What I'm Wearing | Mango Jumper, Asos Jeans, M&S Coat, Missoma Necklace, Ray Ban Sunglasses, Primark Beret, Office Boots, Coach Bag 

So when I purchased this jumper from Mango via ASOS I was half expecting some sort of comment on how it looks like 'someone's Russian Grandma had knitted it' or that it looks like 'I bought it from a charity shop' but to my surprise he actually liked it! What shocked me even more, was that when I put on my new Primark beret, he liked that as well! The only slightly negative comment was that he was upset that I hadn't bought a Raspberry Beret, but I even if my local Primark had stocked them, I couldn't have put up with him singing Raspberry Beret by Prince every time I wore it.

I think the moral of this story is don't be a people pleaser. We all have our own likes and dislikes, so it's time to accept (if you haven't already) that not everyone is going to like everything you do and you probably aren't going to like everything they do. You can't let worrying about what other people might think stop you from doing what you want. If I'd have done that, I wouldn't have bought this jumper that everyone I know (including Karl) seems to really like.

So go on. Live a little. And do what you want.

Eleanor xx