Outfit Post - I Woke Up Like This

5 February 2014
When deciding what I was going to post this week I wanted to do some sort of Valentines or going out outfit post showing you the outfit I wore when I went out last weekend. But sadly the weather wasn't appropriate for me to take some outfit pictures as it's currently blowing a gale outside, so I decided that I'd post some pictures that I took awhile ago.

Topshop T-shirt, H and M Shirt, River Island Leather Trousers, H and M Necklace, Timberlands

I love the 90s trend of tying a shirt round your waist and I really think it completes this outfit. This outfit is more of a spring outfit as I find it's difficult to find a jacket that's appropriate because the shirt will be sticking out the bottom. But aside from that I'm in love with this outfit and I wear it quite a lot.

I hope the weathers not as bad where you are, this morning I nearly got blown away walking into Sixth Form! But if the weather gets better I promise that I'll try to post a 'going out outfit' post before Valentines Day, not that I'll be going out anyway *sobs at the thought of being forever alone*

Eleanor xx