Sunday Nails - Fading Away

23 February 2014
I'm finally home after hours of travelling. I got home Friday lunchtime after an overnight flight and 2 hour journey back from the airport and I can safely say that it was the best week of my life. New York was everything I imagined and so much more making all the travelling and jet lag worth it. But because of the jet lag I've spent a lot of the weekend sleeping and that's one of the reasons why this blog post is going up quite late so I apologize for that. 

I saw a nail art very similar to this on WAH Nails Instagram and thought I'd give it a go. Of course mine isn't up to the same standard but I'm not a professional nail artist so I think it's excusable. I love how the pink and white checks just fade away into a white ombre and it reminds me of something similar I've seen on lots of tops and dresses in Topshop a a couple of seasons ago.

Prepare yourselves for a few posts this week about my trip to New York as I haven't got over the excitement of it all just yet (and probably won't for a long time)! If you can't wait go check out my Instagram because I've been Instragraming pictures of my trip all this week. Hope you've all had as great a week as I have, I'd love to know what you've been up to...

Eleanor xx