This is a pre-written post, so while you read these words I will be making my way round New York City. Yes I woke up this morning (Sunday 16th) at around 4 o' clock to get to Heathrow at about half 7 for my flight at 9:40. As I write this I don't know how I'll be able to get up that early or if I'll even be able to sleep because of my excitement!
If you didn't know I'm going to New York as part of a school trip, it's not particularly educational or related to my studies in anyway but it's going to one of the best weeks of my life. There are 11 students going (including myself) and 2 teachers and we're going from Sunday 16th and arriving back very early on the morning of Friday 21st. We'll be seeing all the sites such as the Empire State Building, the Statue of Liberty, Grand Central Station, Times Square and the 9/11 memorial, visiting a few museums including the Museum of Moving Image and the Museum of Modern Art. We'll also a doing bit of shopping so prepare yourself for a New York haul when I get back!
This'll be my first time in the USA let alone New York so what better way than to show my excitement through my nail art?
Eleanor xx