Review - Bleach London D.I.Y Dip Dye Kit

29 October 2013
Last Saturday I finally took the plunge and decided to ombré my hair. After lots of thought and encouragement from my friends I just decided to go for it despite never having dyed my own hair before let alone ombréd it!

I decided to buy the Bleach D.I.Y Dip Dye Kit from Boots for £7 as I'd lots of great things about it before. The box contains a mixing bowl, a tint brush, some gloves,  2 sachets of bleach powder, a sachet of blending lotion, a bottle of developing lotion and a their conditioning recovery mask. It says on the box to buy two kits if you have long hair but I have mid length hair and didn't even need half of the mixture so I'm sure if you had long hair you wouldn't need two kits. Money wise I think you get a lot for your money but I wish they'd included a small sample of toner so you didn't have to go out and buy one.

The mixing stage isn't particularly difficult it's just very messy as the bowl is a bit small, so I'd make sure you put something on the surface underneath the bowl as I ended up spilling it a couple of times. Application was quite simple and the blending location gives a nice blended effect minimizing the risk of that dreaded line across your head where the two colours meet.

It says to leave it on for about 15-30 minutes and test to see if it's the right colour, I left mine on for about 20 as my hair wasn't the darkest brown, I didn't want it to be ice blonde and also my hair was quite damaged to start with so I was a bit vary of the impact of the bleach on my hair! After washing off the dye my hair was left very dry but that was soon fixed by the recovery mask which I left on for 10 minutes. 

Overall I'm really happy with the finished result but I might get some toner just to slightly reduce the yellow and copper tones. Next time I might also leave it on a bit longer at the tips just to get it a bit blonder.

Have you ever ombréd your hair?

Eleanor xx