Outfit Post - Layering Is The Key

21 May 2013
If you live in England or anywhere else in the UK you will know that summer here is anything but hot. 80% Of the time the weather is miserable and rainy and when the sun decides to show his face, it's not quite hot enough to wear summer clothes without feeling a chill from the breeze. 

Enter Layering.

Topshop Lipstick in OHH LA LA
Layering is something we are very used to doing in the British Winter, bundling coats on top of jumpers on top of shirts on top of tops on top of thermals and then finishing off with the fluffiest and longest scarf that you will ever lay your eyes upon. All while still managing not to look like the Michelin Man.

Striped Shirt Zara, Cream Sheer Shirt H and M, Top (Playsuit) H and M 
But no longer is laying restricted to winter months as it is now possible to layer your clothes in summer time. How? I hear you ask, and the answer is sheer layers. Like shirts, as when combined with different textures and fabrics they create a diverse and interesting look. 

Denim Skirt American Apparel  
In this outfit I layered a denim skirt on top of a playsuit I bought from H and M last year that is just a tad short now, and then a sheer cream shirt underneath a blue and white striped shirt, finishing the look off with some battered brown boots from Primark to toughen it up a bit.

Boots Primark
Because the layers are sheer I do not overheat yet they keep me warm if it begins to become a bit breezy, clever eh? So next time you are having a outfit crisis, try on all of your clothes together, not only is it fun but you could create an entirely different layered look that you'd have never thought of before! What have you got to lose?

Eleanor xx