Aztec or tribal nails are one of those patterns that look incredibly simple but I always really struggle to pull them off, this is probably because of the preciseness that is needed to make them look successful, which I sadly do not possess.
But per usual I thought I'd have a go and after a few unsuccessful attempts they finally turned out looking alright. I'd just like to add that they look better in real life than in the pictures!
You may have also noticed that I decided to be a good blogger this week and actually paint both hands, instead of being lazy and only doing one. It's about time too as people had started asking me why I had only done one hand!
I hope you've had as lovely a week as I have had, as on Friday it was my last (official) day of school. In the morning I had a lovely breakfast with my friends before making our way into school for celebration assemblies, signing shirts, photo's and cake. It was such a lovely day and one I will remember forever.
Good luck if your exams are starting tomorrow like mine.
Eleanor xx