Now normally when I do a Sunday Nails post I show you some form of nail art but this week is a little different as I've decided to show you instead one of my favourite nail polishes: Barry M's Nail Paint in Matte White.
I adore the look of white nails, I just think they look so chic and elegant white trying to hard, making Matte White one of my all time favourite nail polishes. Some people may argue that it's boring as it's 'just a white nail varnish' but I love the opaque glossy finish that it provides despite it being quite misleadingly called 'Matte' White.
One thing I have to say though is every time I wear it amongst compliments I'll get the odd comment from an oblivious boy saying "Uh why have you got Tipex on your nails?" To which I will reply with nothing but a look that screams "ARE YOU A STUPID HEAD THIS IS WHITE NAIL VARNISH YOU DUMMY!"
Sorry If you found this post a tiny bit boring but I don't think my Sunday Nails posts would be truthful if I didn't show you genuinely what is on my nails but don't worry I'll probably have nail art next week!
It doesn't really look like Tipex does it?
Eleanor xx