Sunday Nails - A Spot Of Gardening

8 September 2013
Today I have painted leaves on my nails and yes those leaves look strikingly similar to marijuana leaves. I am endorsing drugs? Of course not silly, it's just a pattern of some leaves! Are we clear on everything? Yes, now let's get on with what really matters, the nail art.

My nail art this week is inspired by those Huf socks that everyone in fashion blogs and on Tumblr seem to own. The truth is I don't really like the socks for the pattern but more for the colours that they come in as the clashing colours are what make them stand out, and if you are going to pay over £10 for a pair of socks of course you want them to stand out. So for this nail art I picked two contrasting colours green and orange but to avoid them looking like a carrot I used a Barry M Gelly Nail Paint in Papaya a lovely bright peachy orange.

I hope this Sunday Nails wasn't too 'controversial' for you all but the colours are so bright they are helping me grasp onto what's left of the summer. And however much I will miss the pretty colours of Summer I am looking forward to buying burgundy and more black clothing and also layering (one of my favourite past times). What are you looking for to about Autumn and Winter?

Eleanor xx