What I Got For My Birthday

29 August 2013
I have to admit that right now I'm feeling quite guilty for not posting yesterday, I'm sorry I was busy so please don't shoot me. I'd wanted to post a bit more this week as I have a lot of content planned in my head but life just got in the way and I've still got things to do before I start Sixth Form next week *hysterically sobs at the thought of going to back to school*. But I've got a lot of things to be grateful for and one of them is how spoilt I've been by my friends and family for my birthday so I thought I'd share with you what I got. One thing I'd just like to add is that this post is going to be filled with lots of pictures and not a lot of writing, I hope you don't mind!

Disclaimer - I am extremely grateful for everything I received for my birthday and in no way am I 'showing off' (who would even do that?). I personally enjoy reading these posts so I thought you might be too and some people mentioned on my last post that they'd like to see what I got (minus some chocolates,vouchers and money) so here it is!   

The first thing I got was this beautiful candle and photo frame from one of my best friends Harriet. This candle is actually one of best things I have ever smelt in my entire life, I'm not a candle connoisseur but as you can probably guess it smells like apple and elderflowers and will probably rival my Yankee Candle in Fluffy Towels for the prime position of my favourite candle. The picture in the photo frame is of both of us on our last day of school and I think she might have said that it is from Urban Outfitters.

My friends Lizzie and Megan bought me these beautiful pair of sterling silver butterfly earrings and some truffles yummy (the truffles that is not the earrings)!

One of my oldest friends Beth bought me these cute little friendship bracelets from Accessorize and a couple of yummy chocolate bits including a personalized happy birthday chocolate slab from Thorntons which is always a good present for chocoholics like myself!  

This next present is from my friend Abi who lived in California for a long time before she moved back to the UK a couple of years ago so of course she had to get me something american in the form of a Victoria's Secret spray, which may I add smells A-MAZING, and this really pretty mug with flowers on (all of my hot drinks will definitely be tastier in this mug)! 

My friend Maddie, who like myself is also obsessed with beauty and painting my nails, got me a few nail varnishes and a Maybelline Baby Lips. Now Maddie did an amazing job here because she managed not only to get me a Baby Lips in a colour I don't have but also 3 nail varnishes that I have nothing similar to in my collection, which is pretty difficult considering I have over 80 nail varnishes, I take my imaginary hat off to you Maddie!

This butterfly is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! It's made out of glass and I'm going to hang it in my room by the window so that all of the light shines through it and it's from my friends Marianne.

There's a bit of a story behind this teacup but basically when I'm older I don't want matchy matchy mugs like normal people I want teacups. Every teacup will be different and have it's own story so one of my oldest and bestest friends Helena got me this beautiful china blue tea cup and it is just perfect.

This present from my best friends Hannah and Louise was such a suprise as they'd hidden them in a pot of pic and mix so I'd unwrapped this pic and mix and Louise was like "look inside" so I opened it and all I could see was sweets but then I dug down further and saw some Mac goodies and I literally screamed with excitement! I've never owned a Mac nail varnish or pressed pigment but I don't know why I've never bought these because they are the most beautiful colours I've ever seen! The nail lacquer is in the colour Girl Trouble and the pressed pigment is in the colour Light Touch.

Me and my sister like to spend a lot of money on each other at Christmas and birthdays and this year she has really treated me so much, I couldn't believe that she'd got me a Pandora bracelet and a Mac lipstick, they were both things that I've wanted for so long! The Mac lipstick is in Vegas Volt a beautiful pink/coral/orange in an amplified finish.

For my birthday my parents are getting me some new wardrobes for my room from Ikea and a new phone because my contract is running out in September so I wasn't expecting anything from them at all but they bought me a charm for my new bracelet and the book Revenge Wears Prada the sequel to Devil Wears Prada. Devil Wears Prada is one of my favourite films ever but surprisingly I have never read the book so I have bought the first book and I am going to read that and then the newest book.

Thank you everyone so much who wished me happy birthday, I had a lovely day shopping in Cardiff with my family getting a few new clothes for Sixth Form that will be in haul sometime next week I promise...

Eleanor xx