As you may have noticed I've redesigned my blog (again), it's still not perfect but it's closer to how I want it. When I was redesigning it I made my own blog button, now that I have a blog button I'd love to do a button swap so if you are interested please let me know in the comments or email me or tweet me! Anyway onto my nails...
I love unicorns, I mean seriously who doesn't? They're so fluffy and cute and sparkly and magical and everything the five year old girl inside me dreams about. This love for unicorns was recently reignited when I bought myself a unicorn onesie from primark (it sounds amazing I know). I've never been one for a onesie and didn't really get on the onesie band wagon but when I saw the unicorn onesie I knew we were meant to be.
So in tribute to my new best friend (soz Harriet) I have painted a unicorn on my nails. Okay the unicorns a bit dodgy but you can still tell what it is, so it is a success in my book!
The sparkly top coat I used is L.A Colors Sassy Sparkle, it was £1 and is one of my favourite topcoats because it not looks amazing over any colour but catches the remaining light in the evening making your nails look like a mermaid's tail.
Please tell me I'm not the only one obsessed with unicorns?
Eleanor xx