What's On My iPhone

27 February 2016
I'm ashamed to say that my phone is a major part of my life and that I'd struggle to live without it. If I happen to forget my phone when I go out, I panic a little because I like the security of knowing that I can contact or be contacted by anyone if need be. Not to mention how my whole life is made 100 times easier thanks to this little device and it's magical apps, so I thought why not share some of those apps with you today.

iPhone, Apps, What's on my phone, Blogger, UK, Beauty, White iPhone

What's on my iphone, white, iphone, 6, tag, beauty, blogger, british

Apps I've Downloaded On My iPhoneTumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Spotify, Pinterest, Messenger, Snapchat, WhatsApp, Google Maps, Youtube, BBC iPlayer Radio, Collaborate, O2 Priority, My O2, National Rail, PS Express, Afterlight, UNiDAYS, Bloglovin, Whitagram, Uber, VSCO, Blogger, Canon Print, Google Analytics, Gourmet Burger Kitchen, Boomerang, Snapseed, Yik Yak, m.P, Xe Currency Converter and Find My iPhone.

My Favourite Apps -

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat - Arguably my most used apps on my iPhone (probably the majority of people's tbh) and I find myself checking them regularly throughout the day. Simple, addictive and popular. 

Google Maps - Without Google Maps I'd never find my way anywhere so it's got to be included in my favourites purely because of how essential it is to my modern day life. It not only gives directions but provides up to date information on train and bus times, beating Apple's Maps by miles.

PS Express - When it comes to editing my photos for Instagram, before I use any other app I always start off with PS Express. It's a free and probably the best app I've found for editing basic elements of the photo like exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows etc. 

Snapseed - Another app that I use for editing photos for Instagram this time made by Google. My main use for Snapseed is to darken or brighten selective areas of the photo or to occasionally airbrush the odd blemish, I'll then go on to use either VSCO or Afterlight to add a filter.

Bloglovin - I'm sure the majority of you have heard of Bloglovin, but I had to just give it a special mention as it's one of my most used apps. It's just so easy and convenient for keeping up with your favourite blogs on the go.

Gourmet Burger Kitchen - GBK has quickly turned into one of mine and my boyfriends favourite burger restaurants and therefore we find ourselves going there quite often. By having the app it's means that not only can I get student discount, but you also collect a stamp each time you go leading to rewards of a free side, milkshake or burger.

Boomerang - If you've ever seen celebrities such as Kylie and Kendall Jenner post those short repetitive videos on Instagram they were probably created via Boomerang. You record yourself moving using the camera in the app and it turns it into a short video showing the video forwards and backwards. While it may not sound very exciting the videos can turn out to be very cool or funny.

m.P - If you are on the contraceptive pill then you will know that it is advised to take it at the same time every day. M.P is a handy app that reminds you when it is time to take your pill, it then records the times you've been taking it and can tell you information such as how protected you are. Perfect if you often forget to take your pill.

Why are your favourite apps?

Eleanor xx