Battle Of The Colours - Blonde Vs Brunette

4 December 2014
Naturally I have very mousy brown hair, it is flat, thin, dead straight and does absolutely nothing for my face. While lots of people suit their natural hair I believe that I'm sadly not one of them so instead I like to dye my hair. But of course this causes me a major dilemma: blonde or brown? While my hair is currently blonde I am toying with the idea of dying it dark brown so to help me make up my mind I thought I'd draw up a list of pros and cons for dying my hair each colour. 


  • One step closer to achieving my ultimate hair goal of Blake Lively's beautiful locks
  • Blondes have more fun (may or may not be factually incorrect)
  • Light hair doesn't tend to wash out my pale skin as much as dark hair colours
  • With blonde hair it's easier to get away with slightly greasy hair and dry shampoo is virtually invisible 
  • Blonde hair doesn't fade like brown
  • You always have the potential to go a crazy colour like pink


  • It is a lot easier to dye your hair brown at home or touch up roots than blonde 
  • Roots are not as obvious
  • You're never labelled with the 'dumb blonde' stereotype 
  • Blonde hair can look slightly orangey or brassy in some lights
  • I could probably get away with being my sister with dark brown hair 

Of course these are just my personal opinions and will definitely not apply to everyone. Also I'd just like to make it clear that I do not think one colour is better than the other or that you must dye your hair, ultimately it's down to personal preference. 

What hair colour do you think I should have? Blonde or brunette? 

Eleanor xx
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