As soon as we enter the autumn/winter months people all over Britain can be heard exclaiming "Isn't it getting dark early?" despite the fact that this happens every year and has done since they were born. It's funny how we all know the darkness is coming yet it continues to surprise us every time. I am no exception and despite it being December I still occasionally find myself saying it, especially today when I came to take these outfit photo's.

It was about 4 o'clock when I went out into my garden to set up my tripod to take these photo's and it was already starting to get dark. This meant I had to set my camera to the highest exposure which has sadly reduced the quality of the photos but I thought that I'd share them anyway as I'm wearing one of my favourite outfits recently. I love the winter vibes of this outfit and the coincidence of my matching lipstick and my scarf.
What is your favourite winter outfit?
Eleanor xx
Missguided Coat, Forever 21 Scarf, Primark Jumper, Topshop Jeans, M & S Boots and Mac Lipstick (Rebel) |
It was about 4 o'clock when I went out into my garden to set up my tripod to take these photo's and it was already starting to get dark. This meant I had to set my camera to the highest exposure which has sadly reduced the quality of the photos but I thought that I'd share them anyway as I'm wearing one of my favourite outfits recently. I love the winter vibes of this outfit and the coincidence of my matching lipstick and my scarf.
What is your favourite winter outfit?
Eleanor xx