Sunday Nails - Hippy

18 May 2014
Yesterday I went to a party and the theme was 60s hippy. While I'm not incredibly fond of themed parties I still like to make an effort and go all out on clothes, hair, makeup and nails, hence today's nail art. To create the psychedelic hippy pattern I used a marbling technique.

While marbling is one of the more difficult nail art techniques, it can create a lovely effect that is worth practicing for. This was my second ever attempt at marbling (the first was an absolute disaster) and for a second attempt I don't think that it's too bad. I'm sure there are lots of posts about this technique on the internet but if you would like an in depth 'how to' style post with step by step instructions I'm sure I could write one once I've had a little bit more practice.

I hope you've all had as great a weekend as I have, especially with the beautiful weather we've been having in England this past week. Sadly I will be spending the rest on my weekend revising for my exam on Monday instead of sunbathing, having water fights and other summer activities. Fingers crossed it will be worth it!

Eleanor xx