The Christmas Tag!

25 December 2013
Merry Christmas! I hope you are all having a wonderful day whatever you are doing whether that be celebrating Christmas or not. I thought I'd schedule a post for those of you wanting a break from arguing over what to watch on TV with your family or are fed up of loosing monopoly to your great grandma Ethel! If your reading this on Boxing Day then I hope you had a lovely day yesterday and I'd love to know what you got in the comments! 

Anyway on the post, which is the Christmas tag! I've seen lots of bloggers do this tag and I thought it looked fun so I decided to share it with you!

What time of the year do you start your Christmas shopping?
I normally start thinking of what to buy people for Christmas in late summer but I only really start my Christmas shopping near the end of November and I'll only finish a few days before Christmas. I don't think I could ever be one of those people who gets everything on Christmas Eve as I spend a lot of time finding the perfect presents!

Do you have any festive recipes for food or drink you limit solely to the Christmas season to share?
Roast potatoes done in goose fat, if I could on Christmas Day I'd just have a plate full of roast potatoes because they just taste that good! My mother restricts them the goose fat to Christmas as they are quite unhealthy but I cannot begin to describe the crispy outside and fluffy interior mmmmmmmm.

Tell me how Christmas goes home in your home...
We wake up around 8.30 ish and me and my sister open our 'stockings' (it's really just a pillow case haha) in our pyjamas before we all get dressed and go downstairs. In between cooking the Christmas dinner we all open the presents from under the tree before eating our Christmas dinner at about 1 o'clock. After lunch my mum tries to persuade us to go for a walk but by then my dad's fallen asleep on the sofa. We then spend the rest of the day stuffing our face full of chocolates while watching Christmas TV.

Do you have any Christmas traditions?
Not as far as I know...

Do you have a favourite festive coffee?
I don't drink coffee but I'll never pass on a hot chocolate with mini marshmallows (mini marshmallows are so much cuter than big ones)!

Do you have a favourite Christmas song?
'Last Christmas' by Wham will always be my favourite Christmas song but I also love 'All I Want For Christmas Is You' by Mariah Carey.

What do you do on Christmas eve?
Apart from going to Church in the evening we don't really do anything special apart from preparing the vegetables for Christmas Dinner.

What's your Christmas wrapping strategy? Do you have one?
I never knew people had Christmas wrapping strategies?! I just try to be as neat as possible and finish everything off with gold ribbon. All the wrapping paper has to fit with the decoration theme though!

What's your dream gift this year?
Apart from world peace, an end to world hunger and all my family and friends to be happy and healthy, I'd love a Chanel bag or maybe some Louboutins. A girl can dream.

Describe your Christmas tree. How tall? Real or artificial? How is it decorated?
Sadly artificial as my parents are too stingy to fork out for a real tree each year, it's moderately sized at about 6ft and decorated with a red and gold colour scheme in mind but with a few mismatched personal decorations thrown in for good measure.

Do you decorate just the Christmas tree or other areas of your house e.g. windows, banisters?
Mainly just the tree but we like to put some holly and tinsel around the house like on the mantelpiece.

What do you wear to Christmas parties and what do you wear on Christmas day?
I don't really go to Christmas parties but we all dress nicely on Christmas Day, not forgetting the paper hats out of the Christmas crackers that is the Christmas uniform of many families all over the world.

I hope you enjoyed this post and if you've done this tag leave it in the comments as I'd love to read it! I'd also just like to take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting my blog as in the new year my blog will be a year old. I wouldn't be here without you.

Thank You and Merry Christmas 

Eleanor xx