There are 2 full days left of 2013, how crazy is that? We're approaching 2014 at great speed and I don't think I'm ready for a whole new year. If there's one thing I've learnt this year it's that growing up is scary, especially when you don't know what you want to do with your life and you have to start making big decisions about your future. There's also the fear of not knowing what will happen but I'm not going to let that hold me back; 2014 will be my best year yet.
That being said I'm not doing anything special anything at all to welcome in the New Year hence the lack of outgoing and eye catching nail art, that and I wanted to use the Essie nail varnishes that my sister bought me for Christmas. She bought me the an Essie mini winter 2013 collection set containing the colours 'Shearling Darling', 'Parka Perfect' and 'Toggle To The Top', so I decided to use 'Shearling Darling' and then 'Toggle To The Top' to create the glitter gradient effect.
If you are going out this nail art may still be a good option for you as if you are going all out in the sparkle department in other areas such as your clothes or makeup you may not want disco balls and fireworks on your nails; it may come across a bit O.T.T, so this subtle sparkle may be a perfect solution
What are you doing this New Years Eve?
Eleanor xx