Sunday Nails - Somewhere Only We Know

8 December 2013
Now there's nothing like Christmas adverts to get into the festive spirit. For the majority of the year we despise adverts and thank the lord that bbc do not have adverts, but in recent years I've been getting excited about Christmas adverts and impatiently waiting to see the during the ad breaks of my favourite shows. 

This year was no disappointment as we had offerings from Coca Cola, KFC, Aldi, M and S and best of all John Lewis. John Lewis have gone all out in the Christmas advert stakes this year with the story of the hare and the bear, a story in which the hate gives the bear an alarm clock so that he can wake up for Christmas and they can spend the day together. That paired with Lily Allen's rendition of Kean's 'Somewhere Only We Know' provides the most magical advert that embodies the Christmas spirit of sharing and spending time with your loves ones! So obviously I had to have a go at some nail art inspired by the advert!

By the way guys, I haven't been sponsored by John Lewis (I totally should have been haha) I'm just in love with their advert! What's been your favourite Christmas advert this year?

Eleanor xx