Trying Out Trends

7 June 2016
Seasons come and go, as do trends and styles that take their turn in a never ending cycle of fashion. But how do we sort the good from the bad? Or should I say the ripped jeans from the socks and sliders? Luckily that's where I come in, trying out some of this seasons trends and reinventing my wardrobe to help you decide if you should try it or if it's tragic. Today's trends? Chokers and wearing a Cami over a T-Shirt.

Now I love wearing lace cami's but over a t-shirt? I've seen it done before in a grungy 90's style so I thought I'd try it out. Then what better trend to pair it with than the revival of the 90's choker that we are currently seeing. But how do they look not only together but mixed with trainers and tailored trousers to give it that current edge?

What I'm Wearing | Zara T-Shirt, New Look Cami, Missguided Trousers, Vans, New Look Jacket, River Island Choker, Pull & Bear Bag

While I love chokers I'm still yet to be convinced by the T-Shirt over Cami trend. Part of me likes how it looks (I think pairing two similar colours together such as baby pink and white together really helped tone it down) but then another part of me couldn't get over the alien feeling of layering the two tops. I have to also mention my boyfriend wasn't keen on the Cami over T-Shirt situation, pulling a face when he saw me, so beware of this trend's man-repelling power.

What do you think of these two trends? Will you be wearing them?

Eleanor xx