5 Tips To Avoid Overpacking

28 May 2016
Going on holiday can be a stressful experience especially when it comes to packing. Knowing what to take, remembering to take it and then trying to pack it all into a tiny case like a complex game of Tetris, just to get to the airport for your suitcase to be over the weight limit. Nightmare. To help you avoid having to choose between paying extra for your suitcase or throwing away your precious belongings I've compiled a list of my top 5 easy tips to avoid overpacking. 

travel, tips, overpacking, packing, lightly, suitcase, baggage, holiday, airport, weight, limit, ideas, help

Take Only As Much As You Need 
When going away we tend to panic about running out of things leading to over packing, but in reality if you are going away from one week you won't use up a whole bottle of shampoo, even if you washed your hair every day. So instead of taking full size products, either buy miniatures or decant your favourite products into the plastic travel bottles. This will save so much space in your suitcase and is ideal if you are only taking hand luggage. When it comes to handbags, swap a large purse for a card holder or a coin purse.

Planning is key when it comes to packing lightly. Think about what you are doing each day you are away and what clothes, shoes and accessories you will need for each day. Also check the weather forecast for the place you are going, if you know it's going to be hot then there is no need to take 5 jumpers, a hat, gloves and coat. If you know it's not going to rain that day why bother weighing down your bag with an umbrella. 

Do You Really Need It?
With every item you pack ask yourself "Do I really need this?" unless the answer is a confident yes, don't take it. For example "Do I really need a snorkel on my skiing holiday?" or perhaps more likely "Do I really need five lipsticks in my bag?" It's tough but be honest and realistic with yourself, you will thank me later.

Investigate What There Is Where You're Going
Many places provide towels and hairdryers so check on the website of where you're staying for what they provide you with for your stay. Staying at a friends? Ask them if you can borrow some of their things while you stay. Or perhaps coordinate with those you're traveling with. When I'm traveling with my friends one of use will bring a hair dryer, another straighteners and another a curling wand, we then all swap and share for the duration of our trip.

Pack Versatile Items
This applies to almost everything but especially clothes, cosmetics and tech. Pack products that can used in multiple ways for example a check and lip tint instead of a blusher and lipstick, or a pair of trousers that goes with multiple tops, use your phone as an ipod, book and camera. Thinking about your products cleverly and using them to their full extent can cut down significantly on the items you take.

The best thing is that these tips don't just apply to going on holiday but can also be used to avoid general over packing including heavy or small handbags. You now know how to avoid overpacking but if you're still unsure of what to take traveling with you check out my post on my Top Travel Essentials for some ideas. I'd also love to hear any packing tips you guys may have, so let me know in the comments below!

Eleanor xx