The Best Of The Lipstick, The Girl and Her Wardrobe 2015

4 January 2016
With 2015 having ended, I think this is the perfect time for me to reflect on the year that has passed. In terms of my blog there has been quite a bit of change, some for the better while some for the worst. Over the course of the year, my posts have gradually been improving in terms of my photography and writing but unfortunately this has come a cost as the quantity of posts has rapidly decreased.

Balancing a blog, education, a job and a personal life has proven to be incredibly difficult so I admire those who posts regularly and frequently. I hope in the New Year to keep improving my blog, in every aspect not just in quality. But in the mean time here is a recap of 2015 on The Lipstick, The Girl and Her Wardrobe for you to catch up or reminisce with me.

What I Got For Christmas 2014
My first post of 2015 was a "What I Got For Christmas". While I haven't decided yet if I'm going to do a "What I Got For Christmas 2015" you can always have a nosy back at what I was lucky enough to receive last year.

Review - Nars Virtual Domination Palette
A beautiful palette that I still use to this day, featuring some of Nars' most loved blush shades and the famous Laguna bronzer. 

How I Take and Edit My Blog Photos
Not much has changed about the way I take and edit my photos since I wrote that post, the only difference is that I now use a 40mm lens. Still, an interesting read if you like to see what happens behind the scenes.

Outfit Post - If You Are What You Say You Are
A flashback to a time when my Adidas Superstars were still white, since then I have wrecked them through nights out and excessive wear *R.I.P Superstars, you were well loved*

Outfit Post - Leather and Pleats
My most popular outfit post of 2015, featuring photos photos taken in my home city of Bristol.

Outfit Post - Meet Steph
An insight into one of my closet friends style, a bit of a change to my usual posts where you get to learn a little bit more about my life.

My Mac Lipstick Collection... So Far
A look at some of my most prided possessions; my Mac lipsticks. This is also kind of a 'most worn lipsticks' post because my Mac lipsticks are practically all I wear.

Review - Benefit Erase Paste
I'm ashamed to say this is a product that I'd forgotten about until I was writing this post, especially as it's a great product. I may have to go and repurchase this one...

Mini Beauty Haul
Who doesn't love a beauty haul. Timeless and not only addictive to read but write.
Review - Inglot Freedom System Concealer Palette 
When I was looking to buy this product I really struggled to find any reviews of it online which made it incredibly difficult because I had to order the product online and I wanted to see some good swatches. So of course it only made sense to write my own review when I finally got to try the product myself.

My Tips for a Party Holiday
Its that time of year again when people are starting to book their summer holidays, so if you are going on a girls holiday this summer and want to know what to expect then this is a great read.

Outfit Post - The Rhine Valley
A little post about how I spent my summer in the beautiful Rhine Valley, featuring one of the many outfits I wore while I was there.

Outfit Post - My New Home
In September of last year I started university so it only seemed right for my first outfit post in this new city to be taken by one of the cities many beautiful landmarks.

This is of course just a few of the posts I wrote last year and I hope that there will be many more during 2016. Who knows what this year holds for us, but I know that if it is at least half as good as 2015 was, it will still be amazing.

Eleanor xx