Finding The Words

30 January 2017
Sometimes writing about fashion and beauty feels so wrong when arguably there are so many more important things going on in the world that we could be talking about. This has certainly been in the back of my mind these past few days as I've struggled to find the right words to accompany these photos that Karl shot of my outfit last Thursday. 

I could go into depth about how bitterly cold it was in Birmingham that day (hence why my hands are in my pockets in most photos) and they are slightly blurry in places from Karl shivering, or perhaps about how these boots rubbed my ankles causing them to bleed on the way to the bus stop, even though they're not new and they've never rubbed before.
I could tell you about how I wish this Pull & Bear belt was actually a Gucci belt or how I've been so obsessed with layering my summer camis with my winter polo necks but somehow it all seems irrelevant. 

Gucci, Dupe, Black, Coat, Blazer, Polo, Neck, Turtle, Cami, Missguided, Highstreet, Primark, M&S, Topshop, Office

What I'm Wearing | M&S Coat, Missguided Cami, Primark Polo Neck Jumper, Pull & Bear Belt (similar)Topshop Jeans, Office Boots (ON SALE)

But while talking about frivolous fashions feels wrong, I don't think we should stop. I like to think that my blog may provide at least one person a bit of light relief or a chance to escape (even if only for a minute) from the strange world in which we live, as I know that reading other blogs and watching Youtube videos brighten my day and inspire me. 
We can't let the tough times hold us back. Use the tough times to push you to do the best you can in anyway you can. Keep contributing positively and trust that together we can overcome injustice.

Eleanor xx