My New Home

15 October 2015
As you may or may not know, this September I started university. This is a big moment in my life as I moved to a new city on my own, ready to meet new friends and study a subject that will hopefully lead me to my dream career. So where is my new home I hear you ask? Well I have moved to Birmingham to study Marketing at Aston University and I can safely say that I have settled in nicely. This may partly be down to the fact that my sister also lives in Birmingham, so there is comfort in the fact that I can see her anytime I want.

Me and my sister get on very well and love spending time together so when she found out that she needed to visit an art gallery as part of her course there was only one obvious choice of who she would ask to go with her: me. I love art galleries so it was hardly a chore for me but I did ask her one favor in return, to take some pictures of my outfit and here is how they turned out... 

What I Am Wearing - New Look Hat, Pull & Bear Jumper, Topshop Dungarees, Topshop Leather Jacket, T K Maxx Bag, Accessorize Bag Charm and Office Shoes.

Did anyone else start Uni this September? I'd love to know the cool places you've discovered in your new city!

Eleanor xx