While I love my DSLR sometimes it can be a bit of a hassle to get it out and set up my tripod to take some photos of my outfit. These days I'm also short on time but I hate it when I don't do a midweek post, so I've decided that instead of posting nothing at all I'd do a quick OOTD.

Today I wore my brand new Missguided coat, a white H and M t-shirt, Pull and Bear ripped jeans, my T K Maxx bag and my trusty Dune boots. I cannot put into words how much I love my new coat which I will feature in a haul very soon so that I can show you in a bit more detail.
I hope you don't mind the poor quality picture but doing these quick OOTD's using my phone means that I can show you what I wear more frequently. Don't worry though I won't stop doing my usual outfit posts and hopefully I'll find someone to take my photos for me so those posts will improve in quality.
Eleanor xx