Sunday Nails - Granite

17 August 2014
GUILTY BLOGGER ALERT! So I'm sorry for being a bad blogger this week and not posting at all until today, but sometimes life just gets in the way. Just to give you a little update on my life at the moment; I can't remember if I mentioned it or not but a couple of months I got a temporary job at Clarks Shoes for the 'back to school' period, while I enjoy it I have been working five days a week and then on my days off I've been either meeting up with friends or doing college work. This week I also got my AS Level results which were a pleasant surprise but with all the excitement I forgot about blogging.    

Now I've explained my absence I can now explain this Sunday's nail art. After seeing a blog post featuring monochromatic marble nail art (if I remember whose it was I will link it here) my love for marbled nail art was rekindled and I was desperate to give it a go myself. But you see the thing it with marble nail art it's very hit and miss, on one nail it will look amazing but the next it'll look like a big blob of paint, that is why some of my nails look better than others. But overall I love the effect and using black and white has created the look of a piece of granite which I think is pretty cool!

I hope everyone who got results this week got what they wanted and if you're waiting for GCSE results good luck! 

Eleanor xx