A Day In The Life Of The Girl : Record Store Day 2016

19 April 2016
As well as having a passion for fashion and beauty, I also have a soft spot for music. When I met my boyfriend one thing we immediately bonded over was our shared taste in music and as we got to know each other he inspired my love for music even more. A passion that falls alongside loving music is collecting vinyl and we spend a lot of time together exploring independent record stores looking for vinyl to add to his collection. 

Record Store Day is a day that celebrates independent record stores by releasing exclusive and limited edition records only to those independent stores. Not all stores will get the same records from a long list of RSD exclusives and sometimes a shop may only get one or two copies of a record. This explains why on on Saturday 16th April or Record Store Day 2016 as many may know it, I started my day at 8am. 

Waking up at 8am gave me an hour to get ready before me and my boyfriend Karl walked to our favourite record stores in Birmingham: Ignite and Swordfish. Record Store Day is notorious for people queuing for hours outside record stores all over the world, so we decided to leave at 9am to try and get the right balance between not being too far back in the queue and not waiting for hours in the cold. 

The plan was that Karl would go queue outside Swordfish which opened at 9.30am and try to grab as many records off his list as he could before coming and to join me in the queue at Ignite which opened at 10am. Knowing I'd be waiting outside on my own for at least an hour I decided to make myself a hot chocolate to take with me.

Lifestyle, Blogger, Day, Follow Me Round, Diary, RSD, Record, Vinyl, Store, Day, RSD16

After lots of waiting, panic and excitement Karl managed to pick up the majority of records off his list including The Weeknd The Hills Remixes as you can see below, there is a more in depth haul up on his blog now if you want to see what else he picked up. The atmosphere in Ignite was great and it was lovely getting to talk to other people and find out what they were hoping to get. The friends we made in the queue also managed to get most of the things that wanted and it was nice change to see people so excited and happy over something.

The Hills, The Weeknd, Eminem, Nicki Minaj, The Weekend, XO, Record, Store, Day, RSD, Vinyl, Uk, Blogger, Vinyls

It was now about 11.30 and we'd worked up quite a hunger, so headed to Boston Tea Party on Corporation Street for a late brunch seeing as we were too late for a McDonald's breakfast. I've been to various branches of the Boston Tea Party and everytime received great service, drinks and food. If I ever have breakfast there I always have a bacon roll just because it is incredible and the bacon is baked not fried, making it slightly healthier and a lot less greasy than your traditional bacon roll. 

UK, Lifestyle, Blogger, University, Revision, Diary, Lipstick, Wardrobe, Girl, 2016, Eleanor, Iphone, Laptop

Unfortunately our afternoon was not quite as exciting as our morning because when we got back to Uni we did a couple of hours of revision. With exams looming at the beginning May, I'm trying to cram in revision any spare moment I have even if that means revising on a Saturday.

Lifestyle, Blogger, Uk, Food, Risotto, Diary, Bacon, Pea, Rocket, Healthy, Recipe,

After a couple of hours of revision we popped to Tesco on campus to pick up some bits and bobs for tea and then made our way back to the flat for a very chilled evening. For my dinner I made myself a quick and easy bacon, pea and rocket risotto, which is one of my absolute favourite meals at the moment. It's a very light and summery meal despite being a rice based dish and is quite a healthy meal to have if you're craving bacon (can you tell I love bacon?).

UK, Lifestyle, Blogger, Tv, Couple, Boy, Girl, RSD, RSD16,

We then sat down for a quiet night in front of the telly watching crap Saturday night games shows and reality TV, the perfect round off to a lovely day. 
I'd love to know what you guys did this weekend, did you pick up anything on Record Store Day?

P.S I'd also love to know what you think of this style of lifestyle post as it's something a bit new and different for me!

Eleanor xx